PROJECT: Corporate visual identity of CEVRO

The origin of this project goes back to 2005, when Missing Element designed a logo for CEVRO (a liberal conservative educational institute). This logo was inspired by a meander–a motif typical for ancient Greece, one of the cornerstones of EU civilization and knowledge.

In 2023, we were asked to not only update CEVRO´s logo but to also develop a corporate visual identity system including a small manual. The basic emblem from the logo was further developed into a complementary graphic motif – a labyrinth reflecting ancient Greece and symbolizing a maze of information and knowledge. CEVRO guides students through a labyrinth (a line illustrating Ariadne's thread).

The full system of visual identity, that we have developed, includes: a logo, font, corporate colours, graphic elements, stationary (business cards, letterhead, folder, envelope), diplomas and certificates, PowerPoint, print materials (brochures, flyers), banners and rolls ups, merchandise materials (bags, pens, bracelets…), exhibition stand and signage.